Oversight is one of Congress’s most important functions. Without robust, regular examinations of government agencies and processes, we run the risk of waste and abuse of taxpayer funding. This is why the House Committee on Natural Resources has an entire subcommittee dedicated to oversight, where we investigate both agencies and …
Read More »GREG GUTFELD: The Dems' insurrection theater is not going to jail Trump, it's going to get him re-elected
Happy Friday everybody. You look wonderful, I think. So how’s life? I know you got inflation, you got crime, we’re on the brink of nuclear war, but thank God these bozos have their priorities straight. VIDEO Mmmm nine eyes like a fly, is that right? No, I don’t think so …
Read More »China’s Xi Jinping grabs more power, pushing Asia closer to war
A messianic ruler, already considered the world’s most influential figure, is about to get absolute power over the planet’s most-populous state. What happens next will be remembered for generations. Chances are, Chinese President Xi Jinping will lead China into war. The drama begins at the Communist Party’s 20th National Congress, which starts Sunday. …
Read More »Smug Jon Stewart is latest reminder of how so-called experts aren’t always right
It seems that Jon Stewart has learned absolutely nothing over the past two years. In a stunning interview with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge about proposed laws to restrict the medical gender transitioning of kids, the former funny man actually asked, “You’re suggesting that protecting children means overriding the recommendations …
Read More »TUCKER CARLSON: The Democratic Party is replacing parents with itself
In your head, you always imagine the revolution when it starts. It’ll start with tanks and gunfire with chaos and soldiers in the street. You’ll know when it comes, but it never does. Instead, the really big changes to American life, the profound ones that affect all of us forever, …
Read More »Crime in New York killing city's comeback
Protecting the safety and freedoms of a citizenry is the first principle of any government, and from that principle derive all other benefits a society confers. Like the freedom to go to a bar and get hammered without getting shot on your way home. Freedoms like that are under threat …
Read More »Biden admin still pushing COVID vaccine mandate for military: It's unlawful and hurts national security
On national television, Biden administration spokesperson John Kirby mounted a feeble attempt to explain the president’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the military. Kirby, a retired Navy admiral, had no acceptable answers when pressed about the administration’s “folly” and the perilous impact the mandate is already having on our national security. Remarkably, …
Read More »Border governors taking action on illegal immigration because Biden administration caused crisis
Many on the left are up in arms after the governors of Texas, Arizona and Florida began sending illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. The big city mayors of Washington, D.C., New York and Chicago complained when buses of several thousand illegal aliens arrived over a period of a few months, …
Read More »Three foreign policy issues that matter more than midterm elections
Next month’s national elections won’t deliver any foreign policy mandate. Voters will go to the polls to call balls and strikes on domestic issues: inflation, crime, immigration, energy prices, and so forth. But while the election won’t hinge on foreign policy, those who are elected will have to deal with …
Read More »Biden, Democrats use midterm mass-distraction strategy to hide counterculture revolution from angry voters
The contours of the upcoming November midterms seem clear. President Joe Biden scarcely polls above 40% approval. His disastrous energy, economic, crime, immigration, and foreign policies proved even more unpopular. In reaction, frightened Democratic candidates on script are resorting to strategies of diversion. They avoid mention of their prior lockstep …
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