All across Washington, Democrats are relishing the opportunity to use a budget from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to unlock $3.5 trillion in new spending and taxes on American families. Washington Democrats have been quick to claim credit for the future success they say their senatewill bring to Americans. But what …
Read More »Jack Carr: US hubris in Afghanistan – here's the price we paid for not learning lessons of history
“The Americans have all the watches, but we have all the time.” I first heard this saying in conflicts in 2003 from a former mujahadeen who fought against the world-regions. It made such an impact that the quote is in the first paragraph of my 2018 debut novel, “The Terminal …
Read More »Michael Goodwin: Afghanistan fiasco flips media against Biden – this should worry Dems
For joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden< and assure a jittery America his government could manage the fallout, the scope of the disaster came into sharper focus. An outbreak of the blame game is erupting among federal agencies trying to duck responsibility. Intelligence and defense officials are leaking that they warned the White …
Read More »Rep. Michael McCaul: Biden owns Afghanistan mess – he wasted time, ignored advice and now blames others
As the Biden administration faces yet another conflicts, they are once again falling on their favorite talking point: blame anyone but us. It’s become a common refrain from the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration<’s policies and positions, including Remain in Mexico, the asylum cooperation agreements with Central American countries, the Paris …
Read More »Mike Pence: Biden broke our deal with the Taliban – it's a humiliation not seen since Iran hostage crisis
‘The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country [of conflicts] is highly unlikely,” President Biden confidently proclaimed in July. “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy.” One month later, the scenario joe-biden” …
Read More »Greg Gutfeld: Our leaders botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, they were too busy destroying the US
Hello, everyone. It’s time once again for: Great Job there Joe! Within hours of the Taliban seizing control of Kabul, the stories of ghoulish behavior toward women erupts. They make andrew-cuomo” target=”_blank”>Andy Cuomo< by then-president Obama, is back on the job – and I don’t mean as a tenured professor. …
Read More »Tucker Carlson: Vaccine mandates are not about COVID, but about autonomy and rational decision-making
It was just the other day — two weeks ago exactly — that the joe-biden”>Biden administration< said so clearly. But as Maxine Waters put it, who cares? What are those old judges going to do about it? What army do they control? They’re not doing anything. So the Biden administration …
Read More »Jason Chaffetz: Dear Republican Trump haters – What did you get for your trade?
A little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade bad tweets for bad policy. Today, your Twitter feed is void of donald-trump” target=”_blank”>President Trump< and made the world a safer place. In their place are policies antithetical to prosperity, freedom and security. You …
Read More »Liz Peek: Biden failing – as crises mount, Americans turn gloomy. Here's why
Americans are wondering: is joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden< in flames, the border overwhelmed, inflation rampant and the infectious-disease rampaging through our country, maybe the president should be out front, addressing the nation’s concerns. No wonder 53% of respondents in a recent Economist/YouGov poll say Biden is a weak leader. LIZ PEEK: …
Read More »Newt Gingrich: Fighting 'woke industrial complex' – here's how we restore faith, patriotism and morality
Stakeholder capitalism is the idea that companies should serve not only their shareholders but also other interests and society at large. This ideology, championed by America’s business and political leaders, promises a better, more education, and environmentally friendly world. Social justice is the purported goal. In reality, this insidious idea …
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