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Why is society in trouble? Here is the simple one-word answer

Everywhere I go these days, the question I seem to hear most often is, “What’s wrong today? Why crimehttps:, the divisions, the vitriol in our nation, our cities, our society?” I’m hardly the only one getting such questions: other spiritual leaders, teachers, politicians, parents and pundits tell me that they …

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Scariest celebrity shark encounters

wild-nature, as evidenced by “Shark Week” and movies like “Sharknado” and “Jaws.”  For most of us, sharks are terrifying, but we can safely keep our distance from them.  Some celebrities, however, have gotten up close and personal with the dangerous predators. IAN ZIERING EXPLORES CHANCES OF ‘THE REAL SHARKNADO’ ON …

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Polio live oral vaccine: Here's why the US stopped using it years ago

An unvaccinated Rockland County, N.Y., resident exposed to an individual who received an oral poliovirus vaccine contracted the neurological disease and is now paralyzed, according to Rockland County and us-regions Health Officials on Thursday, as Fox News Digital reported earlier. The case raises the issue of polio vaccinations — and …

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Learn from these heroic saints who lived against the grain

With the recent Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v. Wade, pro-life and pro-abortion factions have been jockeying to further influence our nation’s culture.  It’s hard not to notice the hateful ugliness of a visceral recoil coming from leftist activists. So why exactly does a nation’s culture matter? What’s at …

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