Breaking News


Los Angeles students must wear non-fabric COVID masks at all times, including sports activities, district says

Students in los-angeles” target=”_blank”>Los Angeles< that COVID-19 masks should be upgraded to medical masks because they are more effective at preventing the spread of infectious-disease” target=”_blank”>airborne diseases<.  LOS ANGELES CHARTER STUDENTS SUE TO STOP VACCINE MANDATE, CLAIM SCHOOL ‘SEGREGATED’ THEM ‘BEHIND BARRIERS’ Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) said the …

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Washington University in St. Louis: 'Professionalism' is racist

An event at Washington University in vacation-destinations is asking students one question: “Is Professionalism a Racist Construct?” The event is being held virtually through the university on Feb. 1, but states that the term professionalism, at times, “has at times been used to silence and marginalize people of color.” “The …

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