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'The Five' honor our nation's veterans: ‘Not just the best of America, they are America’

To mark Veterans Day this year, “The Five” co-hosts dedicated Thursday’s show to the men and women who personal-freedoms on behalf of the United States.

Fox News host Jesse Watters began the hour with an impassioned opening, where he spotlighted the sacrifices made regularly by those who serve.

“Freedom is not free and on Veterans Day, we must pay tribute to those who sacrificed so much so we here at home don’t have to sacrifice at all,” Watters said.

“We must always remember them because our veterans are not just the best of America, they are America.”

Watters credited the “brave men and women who fought to protect our nation” for defending the flag and ensuring U.S. liberties remain intact.

“They come from all different backgrounds and creeds. They put themselves in harm’s way without question. Without prejudice, without terms…. knowing full well it may cost them their lives,” he said. Yet they answer the call. They wear their uniforms proudly and put country over self.”

"The Five" finished October as the most-watched cable news program, averaging 3.1 million viewers. 

"The Five" finished October as the most-watched cable news program, averaging 3.1 million viewers. 

The host pointed to the recent debacle in Afghanistan that left U.S. citizens stranded behind Taliban lines. “Our veterans showed compassion during chaos,” he told viewers.


“When things got bad in Afghanistan,  it was veterans groups that rallied together to keep their sacred promise to never leave anybody behind,” Watters continued. “They refused to give up and they got people out when no one else would.”

Co-host Greg Gutfeld encouraged companies and corporations to hire ex-military, and credited Fox News for leading on that front.

“Advice to employers, when you hire a veteran, you have zero risk of failure,” Gutfeld said. “Because…the vet arrives to your place of work, fully packaged all of the ingredients are there – like when you buy a prepared meal,” he quipped.

Gutfeld said veterans have “the secrets to life already solved. 

“They keep a routine that begins early in the morning. Anybody who does that succeeds,” he said. “They have impeccable personal grooming…they have manners and discipline which is on short supply these days and they appreciate hard work. They are not scared of it.

“In the era of TikTok generation it’s hard to come by these qualities,” Gutfeld emphasized, “but veterans have it in spades.”

Co-host Dana Perino encouraged Americans to be grateful for the safety and security enabled by those who serve as we head into Thanksgiving.


“Around the table at Thanksgiving…what are you thankful for. For all of us, as Americans this should be number 1,” Perino said. “Your health, your family, yes, of course, your employment, but the fact there are people in this country that volunteer to defend us, and they go there with no politics, they go there with kindness, bravery and courage, that really is the meaning of Thanksgiving to me.”

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