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Halloween horror movie homes and the stories behind them

Don’t go occasions this Halloween.

When it comes to horror movies, many locations are just as famous as the characters. Whether a movie features a haunted housea> or is set in a creepy location, many of these famously scary homes are still standing today.<, who only purchased the property back in 2019. Ghostly occurrences still reportedly occur in the house, although that hasn’t stopped the owners from booking overnight guests looking for a scary experience.


Scenes from "Scream" were filmed in a real house in northern California.

Scenes from "Scream" were filmed in a real house in northern California.
(Helynn Ospina)

Fortunately, “Scream” was not based on a true story. Scenes from the movie were filmed in a real house in northern California, however. It was recently announced that the property would be available for bookings on Airbnb and would feature appearances from the Ghostface killer (or, an actor wearing the iconic mask).

Hocus Pocus

Salem, Mass., is a popular tourist destination around Halloween thanks to the area’s tragic history involving witch trials. Many tourists apparently enjoy stopping by a private residence that was used in the film “Hocus Pocus.” The house still has the same exterior that had in the movie and along with its location at the end of a street, it’s an easy location for fans to spot.


There are plenty of firehouses in New York City, but there’s only one that also famous for fighting ghosts. The Hook & Ladder Company 8 firehouse was used for exterior shots in “Ghostbusters.” The firehouse still stands today and, while it’s a fully operational fire station for the FDNY, it has openly embraced its place in film history.

It has become a popular spot for fans to visit and take photos. Due to its locations, many of the firefighters stationed at the house were some of the first responders to the scene of the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Rosemary’s Baby

The Dakota was the setting for "Rosemary's Baby."

The Dakota was the setting for "Rosemary’s Baby."

New York City has many iconic buildings that have housed famous occupants. The Dakota apartment is one such building, located on West 72nd St. near Central Park. While Judy Garland and John Lennon both lived there, the building was also the setting for the pregnancy-themed horror film “Rosemary’s Baby,” starring Mia Farrow.


Sadly, the iconic house from Beetlejuice was just a facade built for the film. In fact, the entire town of Winter River, Conn., was created just for the movie, with interior shots being filmed on sound stages in California.


Ridley Scott’s classic “Alien” has often been called a haunted house movie in space. It may come as a surprise, however, that the film’s setting was not actually a real spaceship. Instead, the dimly lit corridors of The Nostromo were just sets built at a studio near London.

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