Democrats reeling year before midterm elections – here's how Republicans stay on top and win big in 2022

I said in March there was going to be a lot of buyer’s remorse when voters saw what joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden and the Democrats < held a 10-point advantage in the generic congressional ballot, the largest margin in the 40-year history of the poll. 

Here’s what should really scare Democrats vying to maintain control of the majority in the U.S. Senate: in the states that will decide the majority (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin), Republicans hold a 23-POINT LEAD in the generic ballot. These numbers are consistent with polling we at the senate” target=”_blank”>National Republican Senatorial Committee<

It’s not hard to explain why Biden and the Democrats are reeling politically. They misread the 2020 election.

Biden and the Democrats thought they had a mandate to fundamentally change America. They’re pushing for a massive expansion of the welfare state; a massive increase in federal spending, taxes and debt; a radical social agenda; a federal takeover of elections; amnesty and open borders; and a weak foreign policy that embarrasses us on the world stage. 

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The results: record inflation that’s causing the prices of everyday goods to skyrocket, record illegal immigration, record debt, and 13 dead Americans in Afghanistan. 

Glenn Youngkin’s win in Virginia – along with big wins by Republicans down ballot in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Texas – should have been a wakeup call for Democrats. 

The American people need to know that the Democrats are actively and purposefully trying to destroy our country. 

We saw, in a post-election poll in Virginia conducted by the NRSC and the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA), that voters strongly believe the country is heading down the wrong track. Voters know that the Democrats’ big government agenda and record federal spending is causing inflation and making it more difficult to afford basic goods. They know that schools should be teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, not trying to indoctrinate our students with a radical curriculum like critical race theory. 

Instead, Democrats are doubling down. They’re redoubling their efforts to pass an agenda that voters are fundamentally rejecting. 


That’s great news for Republicans’ chances of winning back the House and the Senate next year. But we can’t rely on the Democrats’ stupidity alone (though that does help). 

At the NRSC, we are spending every day defining the Democrats as the radicals they are. We are reaching out to Hispanic voters, suburban voters and working-class voters across the country – because our path to victory lies in expanding the map not only geographically but demographically. 

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We have great candidates running across the country. We are engaged with the Republican National Committee in the legal fight to defend common-sense election security measures in several states. We’ve invested millions in building our digital fundraising operation and – driven by grassroots energy and support – are outraising our Democrat counterparts every month. 


If the election were held today, it would be a wipeout. But it’s not. The election will be held a little less than a year from now. Which means now is not the time to pump the brakes. It’s time to keep our foot on the gas. The American people need to know that the Democrats are actively and purposefully trying to destroy our country. 

We will spend every day until the 2022 election making sure we stop that from happening. 


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