Pro-life father shares bold, hopeful message: 'I was conceived in rape, adopted in love'

Ryan Bomberger, chief creative officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, a faith-based 501c3 educational nonprofit, appreciates the sacredness of life at every stage — and in a recent phone interview with Fox News Digital in this New Year, he shared a pro-life message and personal perspective that are not often heard across today’s media landscape.

The month of January is National Sanctity of Human Life Month (also called Celebration of Life Month). It offers the chance for reflection on the value of all life and of all children — including the unborn. 

Bomberger, who is adopted, praised the parents who took him into their home years ago and embraced him as their own. “My mom and my dad are the most amazing people I’ve known,” he said.

He added that his “birth mom experienced the horror and violence of rape” — and that he, Bomberger, is the product of that rape. He is grateful, he said, to have been given the chance at life and to have been welcomed into a loving, compassionate family that includes twelve siblings, nine of whom were adopted from neglectful, abusive, or poverty-ridden situations.

“None of us would’ve been better off dead,” he said. “We’re better off loved.”


In January 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued the first proclamation marking the third Sunday of January as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Calling the right to life “the first of our unalienable rights” and “endowed by our Creator,” Reagan specifically chose the anniversary of Roe V. Wade — Jan. 22, 1973 — to celebrate the sacredness of life at all stages. This year’s Sanctity of Human Life Day is two weeks from now — on Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022.

Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation in northern Virginia. He praises his "loving, compassionate" parents who adopted him and gave him a home and a chance. He told Fox News Digital, "Faith shapes the way I think and the way I create."

Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation in northern Virginia. He praises his "loving, compassionate" parents who adopted him and gave him a home and a chance. He told Fox News Digital, "Faith shapes the way I think and the way I create."
(The Radiance Foundation)

The foundation Bomberger co-founded shares pro-life articles and videos via its website; produces a podcast, “Life Has Purpose”; and holds an array of events that share the message of life’s preciousness as well as the profound costs of abortion to society. 

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Official observances of the Sanctity of Human Life have been consistent during Republican administrations since 1984, but both the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations declined to issue any such proclamations. Then, in 2021, after President Joe Biden took office, the Biden administration also declined to issue a proclamation — instead affirming support for abortion rights.

“It matters how our elected leaders regard life,” said Bomberger. “Think of civil rights legislation. It happened because political leaders had the spine to change the status quo.”

Bomberger comes back to the personal: “I am the tangible example before their eyes of something that is easier to reject in the abstract. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to be that testament of courage of a birth mom. The circumstances of our conception don’t define the condition of our worth.”


How can each of us, in our own lives, affirm life at all stages in our local communities and neighborhoods? 

Start with churches — then support pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and the women and families there who need help, Bomberger suggested. His foundation also works with college students throughout the year to share important pro-life information — which counters, he said, “the culture of death on campus.”

Bomberger says he is encouraged by all others, no matter where they are, who share the passion for the sacredness of life at all stages. 

“We meet warriors in Portland, Seattle, Dallas,” said Bomberger, who lectures nationwide. “We may be a remnant — but the remnant is mighty.”


He said this as well: “Many may feel alone in their stand for life, especially on college and high school campuses, in their workplaces, or even at church. But courage doesn’t need a crowd. It needs a conscience. And that compassionate strength changes everything.” 


The National March for Life takes place in Washington, D.C., this year on Jan. 21, 2022. The day after that is National Sanctity of Human Life Day, on Jan. 22, 2022. 

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