Fox News contributor Leo Terrell called alec-baldwin” target=”_blank”>Alec Baldwin’s<
“No one should believe that he gave that interview without being consulted by his lawyers,” Terrell said. “No one should believe that that wasn’t rehearsed. I want to see the raw footage if this interview was being done strictly to basically influence the jury pool and to get his version out there.”
OutKick founder Clay Travis raised the possibility that Baldwin – “one of the great actors of his generation” – may cry during a potential future trial for his role in fatally shooting a cinematographer on the set of his movie “Rust” in New Mexico last October.
“[I]f he can cry on command when things actually aren’t real, I’m sure that he can also master this for a jury, for a judge, for a prosecutor, for everybody out there [whom] he would be talking to and be eminently believable, whether or not it’s true,” Travis said.
In his interview with Stephanopoulos, Baldwin claimed, “If I felt that I was responsible, I might have killed myself.”
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George Stephanopoulos interviews actor Alec Baldwin, following the deadly shooting on the set of the film "Rust." (Photo by Jeff Neira/ABC via Getty Images)
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Actor Alec Baldwin. (Photo by Jeff Neira/ABC via Getty Images)
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George Stephanopoulos interviews actor Alec Baldwin. (Photo by Jeff Neira/ABC via Getty Images)
Terrell responded that Baldwin “has no problem throwing everybody else under the bus.” The Fox News contributor expressed his desire to “see the raw footage” of Baldwin’s interview “before and after the tear[s].”
“I want to see if there’s laughter. So district attorney, sheriff[‘s] department, get the raw footage of that interview because that’s edited down,” he said.
Baldwin told Stephanopoulos that he “didn’t pull the trigger” and “would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger. Never.”
Travis said, “Whether…Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger or not, I would think there would be cameras, something to reflect what might have actually happened there. It seems unlikely the gun discharged without some sort of ability or action that he undertook. That doesn’t mean that he’s criminally culpable.”