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Far-left media 'watchdog' shields Jennifer Granholm from conflict of interest reportage, but paid her retainer

A left-wing 501(c)3 organization that bills itself as a media watchdog group defended energy” target=”_blank”>Energy< took a virtual tour of Proterra’s Greenville, S.C., plant earlier this week and has touted the company as part of his multitrillion-dollar infrastructure-across-america” target=”_blank”>infrastructure< Democratic governor – had between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000 invested in the Burlingame, Calif.-based vehicle manufacturer: a figure gleaned from her recent federal financial disclosure report.

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Granholm pledged to relinquish her board position with Proterra if confirmed to the Biden cabinet, and also divest from a handful of other companies including a solar panel company and North Carolina electric utility Duke Energy.

Media Matters accused the Washington Free Beacon and Fox News of creating a “fake scandal” about the former Michigan governor — while simultaneously reporting that she had not yet divested her stock options. Granholm is however within the 180-day window to legally do so.

According to the same financial disclosure, however, Granholm was previously a “senior advisor” to Media Matters between 2017 and 2020, and was paid as much as $200,624 net in monthly retainer fees. She was also most recently a CNN political commentator.

Media Matters criticized Fox News after EWTN news director Raymond Arroyo, a Fox News contributor, noted that Biden and Granholm’s infrastructure bill would allocate $174 million to green vehicles and $45 billion to zero-emission buses.


“The fix is in. This is a bad look,” Arroyo told “The Ingraham Angle” earlier this week after airing a clip of Biden’s video Q&A with a Proterra employee.

A 2018 bio for Granholm on the University of California-Berkeley – where she both graduated and was an educator – made note of her advisorship at Media Matters, as well as American Bridge, a Brock-founded SuperPAC.

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