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The government is not your God

Politics is a bad religion. People may argue about the purpose of religion” target=”_blank”>religion< Of course, wherever there is a religion that people follow and a related deity to worship, there are sure to be bad actors that try to exploit others’ faith. Any religion has to balance that potential …

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Feeling lonely at Christmas? God is with us. Always

There he was, nearly 80 years old, living in a sleepy village outside world-regions, with his books and seven cats. His wife had been dead for seven years and his only daughter worked in Afghanistan. He lived a silent rhythm, seldom venturing out, rarely speaking to others.  He was lonely. …

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Massive Bangladesh ferry fire kills at least 39

A massive disasters swept through a crowded river ferry in world-regions early Friday, leaving at least 39 people dead and 70 injured, officials said. Many passengers leapt from the vessel into cold waters to escape the blaze. It took 15 fire engines two hours to control the fire and another …

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