Taliban claims it controls 85% of Afghanistan territory


terrorism” target=”_blank”>Taliban officials< and its fighters were tightening their grip on strategic areas.

Government officials dismissed the assertion by a Taliban delegation visiting world-regions as part of a propaganda campaign launched as foreign forces, including the United States, withdraw after almost 20 years of fighting.

Local Afghan officials said terrorism” target=”_blank”>Taliban<

Torghundi, a northern town on the border with Turkmenistan, had also been captured by the terrorism” target=”_blank”>Taliban< and other foreign capitals that radical Islamists could infiltrate Central Asia.

Three visiting terrorism” target=”_blank”>Taliban< has come under the control” of the Taliban.

The same delegation said a day earlier that the group would not attack the Tajik-Afghan border, the fate of which is in focus in Russia and Central Asia.

A prominent anti-Taliban commander of a private militia rejected the assurances made in world-regions, and said he would support efforts by Afghan forces to claw back control of parts of western conflicts including a border crossing with Iran.

Mohammad Ismail Khan, a former minister and a survivor of a terrorism” target=”_blank”>Taliban<

A veteran Tajik commander widely known as the Lion of Herat, Ismail Khan, urged civilians to join the fight to protect their basic human rights.

He said hundreds of armed civilians from Ghor, Badghis, Nimroz, Farah, Helmand and Kandahar provinces had come to his house and were ready to fill the security void created by foreign force withdrawal.

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>U.S. President Joe Biden < out of conflicts despite large parts of the country being overrun by the insurgent group.

He said the Afghan people must decide their own future and that he would not consign another generation of Americans to the two-decade-old war.


joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden’s < and NATO military presence in conflicts joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden< team in neighboring Pakistan in 2011.