World’s longest rabbit stolen from former Playboy model: police

The longest pets” target=”_blank”>bunny<, on Saturday night, West Mercia Police said Monday. Darius is the current record holder for the longest rabbit alive, measuring in at 4 feet, 3 inches (129 cm), according to Guinness World Records (GWR). His owner, former Playboy modeling” target=”_blank”>model< about her missing pet on Sunday, offering a $1,375.40 USD (£1,000)…

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Demise of Biden’s student loan handout rocks Twitter: ‘Its only purpose was to buy votes’

Twitter users reacted to the news that a federal judge in Texas blocked President Biden’s student loan handout. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman ruled that Biden’s executive action was unconstitutional because Congress didn’t approve the sweeping plan. In fact, the judge claimed it was one of the largest executive branch overreaches in the…

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Senators meet in Ukraine to reaffirm US is united against ‘Putin’s belligerence’

A bipartisan group of senators concluded a trip to Ukraine Tuesday after meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky and other top officials to reaffirm U.S. support of the former Soviet nation following stalled talks with Russia last week.  Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and…

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Tennessee student athletes lead fans, parents in prayer after school prohibits coaches from participating

High school football players in us-regions led parents and fans in prayer after the local education”>school< showing the photo, which has now gotten thousands of interactions on social media.  The prayer after a game between Upperman High School and Stone Memorial High School followed Putnam County Schools administrators telling their staff last week that they…

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Cotton presses Cardona on teachers union letter urging social media to stifle opposition to CRT

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., sent a letter to education” target=”_blank”>Education< to silence “propaganda” about critical-race-theory” target=”_blank”>critical race theory (CRT)< (a claim a Department of Education spokesperson has denied). NEA URGED SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS TO FIGHT ANTI-CRT ‘PROPAGANDA’ STOKING ‘VIOLENT’ ‘RADICALIZED’ PARENTS “Big Tech’s potential censorship of concerned parents would be a chilling addition to the…

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