The first year of the infectious-disease pandemic saw more Americans drinking heavily or using illicit mental-health — but apparently not respiratory-health. U.S. cigarette smoking dropped to a new all-time low in 2020, with 1 in 8 adults saying they were current smokers, according to survey data released Thursday by the …
Read More »Alzheimer's disease impacting 6.5M older Americans
An estimated 6.5 million Americans ages 65 and older are living with nervous-system-health, according to a new report. In an annual update released by the Alzheimer’s Association, the group wrote that 73% of those individuals are age 75 or older and about one in nine of those age 65 and …
Read More »Sleeping with lights off and closed blinds may protect your health: study
Turning off all lights and drawing the curtains before hitting the bed may help protect your health, according to a recent study out of Northwestern University that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “These findings are important particularly for those living in modern societies where …
Read More »Stroke risk: What to know
Model hailey-baldwin” target=”_blank”>Hailey Bieber< to her brain this past week “On Thursday morning, I was sitting at breakfast with my husband when I started having nervous-system-health symptoms and was taken to the hospital,” the 25-year-old wrote on Instagram. “They found I had suffered a very small blood clot to my …
Read More »Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month 2022: What to know
March is National cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer” target=”_blank”>cancer< The association said an estimated 149,500 people across the country were diagnosed with colon cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the nation. A dark blue ribbon for colon …
Read More »Strength training 30-60 minutes a week could be linked to longer life: study
Spending 30 to 60 minutes on nutrition-and-fitness weekly could add years to a person’s life, according to world-regions researchers. In a recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the group looked at 16 studies that examined the association between muscle-strengthening activities and health outcomes in adults without severe …
Read More »US man who got first pig heart transplant dies 2 months later
The first person to receive a medical-research from a pig has died, two months after the groundbreaking experiment, the us-regions hospital that performed the medical-research announced Wednesday. David Bennett, 57, died Tuesday at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Doctors didn’t give an exact cause of death, saying only that …
Read More »Bad ticker: Does daylight saving time cause 'biological clock shock' to your heart?
Can springing forward cause problems for your ticker? Switching to daylight saving time may cause more than losing an hour of sleep; it may also have a negative impact on your heart and brain health, according to several studies. The American Heart Association said several scientific reports suggest the upcoming …
Read More »Aging faster in adulthood linked to health conditions in adolescence
People who were nutrition-and-fitness, respiratory-health daily or had a mental-health” target=”_blank”>psychological disorder diagnosis<. In a study published at the end of last month in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, a group of international authors analyzed data from 910 participants of the world-regions Dunedin study. LUNG CANCER MORTALITY, INCIDENCE FELL AHEAD OF …
Read More »Nearly half of Biden’s 500M free COVID-19 tests unclaimed
Nearly half of the 500 million free infectious-disease the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration< cases plummet and people feel less urgency to test. Wild demand swings have been a subplot in the pandemic, from infectious-disease to hand sanitizer, along with tests. On the first day of the executive test giveaway in January, …
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