Gen. Keane: No president has kept Americans 'informed and advised' on what is happening in the Middle East

Gen. Jack Keane told “Fox News Primetime” Tuesday that he finds the President’s decision to withdrawal troops from Afghanistan as “shameful” and “reckless,” and that no American president has done a good job of keeping the “American people informed.”

GEN. JACK KEANE: I fundamentally disagree with President Trump announcing a 1 May withdrawal, although he did have in mind there would be in place certain conditions before the United States would withdrawal, and that would be, hopefully we would have a peace agreement negotiated between the Afghan government and the Taliban, and also a cease fire. We don’t have any of that, we have stalemate and negotiations. And secondly, the Taliban has increased the level of violence in the country itself. So, the Taliban sees that there’s political weakness here in the United States in terms of a resolve to stay, and they’ve been obviously taking advantage of that situation. I think this decision is misguided because it’s reckless and it’s also shameful…

The terrorists haven’t left the battlefield…we don’t keep the American people informed and advised, is what’s going on. None of our presidents have ever done a very good job of doing that. And the facts are, they’re still out there. And as I said, I think what we have done and what we have matured and evolved to is a very specific and focused threat on only those groups that have aspirations to hurt America and the American people. And it is a modest involvement in doing that. And, it is a complete distortion about talking about this major war that we’re involved in in Afghanistan, it’s just not the case.


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