North Carolina man chucks bobcat after it attacks wife in driveway, surveillance footage shows

Paws off, buddy.

A protective relationships”>husband< leapt into action to save his wife from a rabid bobcat in a wild, viral video.

In home security footage that hit Twitter on Thursday, the day began like any other. Happy Wade offered a chipper “good morning” to a jogger passing by his Burgaw home in the Creekside community, put a travel mug on the hood of his white SUV and told himself he needed to wash his car, WECT reports. Moving to place a tray of brownies in the backseat, wife Kristi Wade made her way to the passenger’s side – when a wild animal released a screech.


“Oh my God! Oh my God! Happy!” Kristi screamed, as a small bobcat lunged and pounced at her back in their driveway. 


Rushing to her side, the man grabbed the bobcat with his bare hands and screamed “Oh my God, it’s a bobcat! Oh my God!”

The jogger ran back to see what was happening, and heroic Happy hurled the bobcat across the lawn.

“Get out, get out, get out!” he screamed and drew a handgun from his pocket, as the wild cat dashed beneath his car. “Kristi! Watch out!”

“I’ll shoot that f—–!” he yelled. “Get out! Watch out! Watch out! It’s a bobcat!”

The must-see moment has since been viewed over 12 million times online since it hit Twitter on Thursday, and commenters were shocked by the sight.

“My guy just won every argument with his wife for the rest of their marriage,” one user teased. “‘Remember that time I pulled that bobcat off you? Mmhmm. YOU take the trash out.’”


WECT reports that Happy ultimately shot the bobcat during the early morning of April 9, realizing it had to be sick.

“I’m not happy that this happened, we don’t take any pleasure that I shot the cat,” he said. “I knew when I realized it was a bobcat, having been born and raised in Eastern North Carolina and hunting all my life, you know, that’s just not normal.”

“In my head, I knew it had already attacked two people. If it had attacked somebody else and I didn’t do something, morally it would have bothered me for a long time,” he added. “It was hurting my wife and I didn’t want it to.”

Law enforcement soon arrived at the Wade home, and officers killed the cat. Its body was sent to the state lab in Raleigh, where testing revealed it was positive for rabies.


The bobcat bit both Happy and Kristi several times, and the Pender County couple has since received treatment for rabies – including 30 shots each – to fight the virus.

“He saved my life,” Kristi said of her spouse. “I don’t know where I’d be or what sort of shape I’d be in had he not been there. It could have been so much worse it could have been one of the little girls that lives just a few houses down.”

Though the cat attack certainly shook them up, the Wades say they’re animal lovers and are the proud pet parents of one rescue dog and two rescue cats. That fateful morning, they were on their way to take their senior feline Caroline Faith to the vet.

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